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Vocabulary Bowl
Patriot Preparatory students don’t know how to back down from a challenge, and this had been made abundantly clear during the bowl competition. This competition is based online and puts our students head to head with 38,500 other schools all over North America. Patriot was late to the game, as their teacher had only just heard of this website.
The website gives the students a reading sample and then they are asked to pick from four choices to define a word. When the student correctly answers the same word a number of different times in different ways, the student is then considered to have “mastered” the word. The amount of mastered words the students earn are totaled together and added to the sum of what the school has earned. Currently our 6th-12th graders are participating in this competition.
While Patriot might be a smaller school in the number of students it has enrolled, it is not small in its will to charge ahead. Despite being a month behind the other schools Patriot has moved its way up the ladder in the state of Ohio. The states below are extremely impressive for a school this size. 
As of January 5th, 2018:
State of Ohio - #18
North America - #721 out of 38,500 schools participating
Mastered 4383 words
During the month of December Mrs. Van Horn challenged her 6th and 7th grade student to put the school in the top ten of Ohio for the month. The students not only accepted the challenge, but surged ahead to place #7. The month of January is already showing promise as Patriot sits at #4 in the state of Ohio. This is not a small feat as these students are challenging schools that have 2,000+ students.
If you want to get your child involved, as all k-12 students can participate, simply ask your teacher to open a class for your child to join. Can Patriot make it to #1 this year, only time and dedication will tell!