
Patriot Preparatory Academy has a nurse at school on most school days from 7:45am to 2:45pm. There is important information that we feel you need to be made aware of regarding our health services.

Please notice that PRESCRIPTION medication must have a form that includes a parent/guardian signature AND the doctor’s information & signature.  OVER-THE-COUNTER medication (if given according to the directions on the bottle) requires only a parent’s signature. If your child has any prescribed emergency medications (such as an EpiPen or an inhaler) or any chronic condition (including asthma, diabetes, food & other allergies that require an EpiPen, seizure disorder, etc), please see the nurse for the appropriate forms (also available online) and to discuss our emergency action plan. We want your input so that our plan can be as personalized as possible to the needs of your child.

Various screenings will be done throughout the course of the school year (as time allows), according to the recommendations of the Ohio Department of Health. Vision & hearing screenings are done in kindergarten plus grades 1, 3, 5, 7 (vision only), 9, & 11. Scoliosis screening is done in middle school (usually 7th grade). Also, all new students are screened if previous records do not include screening results. Results of all screenings will be sent home as well as referrals for further evaluation as determined by the guidelines. If you do not wish for your child to participate in the screenings, please submit a refusal for screening in writing to the nurse office by September 1st of every school year. Please contact the nurse or your own physician if you have any specific concerns. Remember that these screenings do not diagnose any specific conditions; they “screen” for potential concerns that should be followed up with the appropriate referral.

Exclusions and Immunizations
To protect all of our children here at PPA, children will be sent home from school for the following reasons, as explained in further detail on the page entitled “Helping Hand”:
  • Fever greater than 101°
  • Rash of unknown origin
  • Suspected infectious conjunctivitis (“pink eye”)
  • Vomiting (if a stomach virus is suspected)
  • Uncontrolled diarrhea
Students can also be excluded from school after the 15th day of attendance if immunization records are not provided. Immunization records are reviewed, and you will be notified if your child’s records are not current. This is a state mandate.

The Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control just updated their isolation and quarantine guidelines for Covid-19.  These charges are both due to the unique features of the Omicron variant as well as our better understanding of how the virus spreads.

If a Student/Staff Tests Positive for Covid:
  • Stay home (Isolate) for 5 days from symptom onset or positive test results
    • IF you are fever free after 5 days AND your symptoms are better, you may return to school while wearing a mask for 5 additional days.
    • IF you still have a fever or your symptoms haven't improved, please stay at home until this is the case.
If a Student/Staff is Exposed to Covid:
  • Wear a mask at school for 10 days and monitor your symptoms daily
We are looking forward to a great school year of working with your children. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of this information or anything not included here, please contact the nurse’s office at 614-864-5332 x1117 or [email protected]

Mrs. Pam Gould
Mrs. Pam Gould

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